Rampant Lawlessness in Wallace's Court!
The "beaver dam" scheme in Wallace's Court!
To the U.S. Supreme Court and back in! The "Good Old Boy" network!
$122,000 in fraudulent judgments!  (look at end!)

You could be next in his Court!
There is to 9-1-1 to call, so Send Judge Wallace packing on Nov. 5!  (WE DID in 2002!)

Note:  Documents derived by OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program.  Errors and  reformatting of the documents may have occurred. Additional reformatting is caused in the conversion to HTML format (web language). Additions will be made as time and space permit.  These documents all from public records.  Comments welcome.

The "beaver dam" scheme suit against me in our 294th District Court of Van Zandt County:
(Started in 1995. Trial with verdict in 1998.  Still hanging in there in 2006.  Visiting judge trying to decide what the verdict "meant" (he did not put the right question to the jury!)  Then he ran off, leaving the case hanging!
Attorney letter complaining of beaver dam
Suit now claiming I built "The Dam"  (Now claims I built a dam in violation of the Texas Water Code)
Private Investigator's Report (Tells who really did what. Not me. Not the beavers.  Was the lawyer! )
Request for transcript of hearings (I could not get them.  Later "they do not exist")
Complaint to Judge Wallace (complaint of the attorney having "water flowing uphill")
Complaint to Judge Wallace of crimes (asking for referral of the whole matter to the US Justice Department)
Complaint to District Attorney of trespass (by bulldozer, dynamite, etc.  Ask for referral to Grand Jury)
Complaint to District Attorney of crimes  (fabrication of the whole case. Ask for referral to Grand Jury)
Complaint to District Attorney of Forgery of Court Order (complaint that there is no ORIGINAL to be found)
Complaint of Conspiracy (complaining about the whole goings on.  Again ask for the U.S. Justice Department)
Motion for Recusal of Judge Wallace ("recusal" is legalese for asking judge to step aside)
Hearing on "Motion to recuse"  (took two years to get a hearing on this. Then they could not decide who the judge was that was up for "recusal'.  Then denied my motion, without ever putting on paper which judge it was!)
My Letter to TNRCC for help  (I seek help as recommended by the Private Investigator's Report)
Letter from TNRCC  (Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission requesting information)
Letter from attorney to TNRCC  (The lawyer threatens the TNRCC with suit and investigation!)
Letter from TNRCC  (The TNRCC backs out)
Objection to Proceedings - Whosoever (complaint of crimes, asking referral to U.S. Justice Department)
Hearing transcription "to enter judgment"   (the "dilemma" the court and lawyers had.  Could not pass a judgment "conforming to the pleadings and the verdict".  Note the opening scene. Search for the word "dilemma")

My federal RICO suit against the (above) "beaver dam" racket going on in our 294th District Court:
Racketeering Suit (Dallas Federal Court No. 3:99cv0696, Mar. 1999, upon the "beaver dam" racket)
Appeal Brief to Fifth Court of Appeals in New Orleans 
Reply Brief to Fifth Court of Appeals in New Orleans
Appeal Brief to US Supreme Court  (Contains the funny "judgment" put out by the Dallas Federal Court, the U.S. Fifth Circuit "finding" that the Dallas Court never had "jurisdiction" to hear the racketeering case, then affirming the "judgment" of the Dallas Court they just found lacked "jurisdiction".  How weird!  Even finding a "judgment" in the "beaver dam case" which does not exist, and which nobody even claimed existed!  All three appeals judges!

I get sued by own lawyer in our 294th District Court:
The Dallas lawyer sues me before the very judge whom he had sued for "racketeering" (he was!)

Westfall suit on me for attorney fees (claiming it was an unpaid "open account". All fraud!)
ANSWER to Westfall suit (My "version of the truth". The judge was required to appoint an auditor. DID NOT)
Racketeering Counterclaim (civil  RICO) (I made a claim under the civil [anti] racketeering statute 18 U.S.C $ 1961)

Motion for Appointment of Auditor 1 (to investigate the "state of the accounts between the parties")
Supplement to Motion for Appointment of Auditor 2
Second Supplement to Motion for Appointment of Auditor 3

Going looking for a lawyer (the lawyers recommended to me as effective "insiders" were the very same ones as had been my problem in the first place!  Interesting reading about how certain Canton lawyers work, coming from lawyers down in Henderson County.

SUMMARY JUDGMENT Motion by Law Office and Westfall
SUMMARY JUDGMENT Motion by Christina Westfall
SUMMARY JUDGMENT Motion by Stefani Podvin

SUMMARY JUDGMENT My Response to Law Office
SUMMARY JUDGMENT My Response to David Westfall
SUMMARY JUDGMENT My Response to Christina Westfall
SUMMARY JUDGMENT My Response to Stefani Podvin

SUMMARY JUDGMENT Objection by the Law Office
SUMMARY JUDGMENT Objections by David Westfall
SUMMARY JUDGMENT Objections by Christina Westfall
SUMMARY JUDGMENT Objection by Stefani Podvin

SUMMARY JUDGMENT Order by the Court


SUPPLEMENT TO RECUSAL of Judge  (Sept. 2001)

Motion for Sanctions (5-9-2002) (for me filing a "frivolous" lawsuit, and supposedly "making a mockery of all lawyers and the entire judicial system", etc., when I was the defendant, and did not file the suit!  Also they were out of the case at the time they filed this motion! "   "All other parties [except the "Law Office"] to this lawsuit having been dismissed previously by summary judgment  rulings [pronounced 9-7-2001, signed 11-13-2001] of the Court.")
Response to motion for Sanctions  (My response)
SUGGESTION OF DEATH (of  both the lawyer and his "Law Office"  (6-25-2002)  The Dallas lawyer who was suing me got run over by his own tractor.  (Note:  a "suggestion" is legalese for a way to tell the court something that cannot be put in a normal "pleading" or a "motion")

ORAL PLEADING IN WRITING (Opening statement)  (at 7-30-2002 hearing for "frivolous lawsuit")
CLOSING PLEADING IN WRITING (Closing statement)  (at 7-30-2002 hearing) My pleading of "retaliation by Official Oppression"
ORDER ON MOTIONS FOR SANCTIONS  (7-30-2002)   $62,885.00 Sanctions against me, for "filing a frivolous lawsuit", when I was the defendant!  
NOTICE OF APPEAL  (8-19-2002)
MOTION TO RECONSIDER the $59,280.66 judgment  (8-19-2002)
MOTION TO RECONSIDER the $62,885.00 "frivolous lawsuit" Sanction  (8-19-2002) I was the defendant!
RULE 276 REQUEST for endorsement by the Court of "refusals" and "modifications"  (8-18-2002)
SUPPLEMENT to MOTION for new trial  (8-29-02)
NOTICE OF APPEAL on sanctions (second) judgment  (9-3-2002)
REQUEST FOR FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS  (asking the judge to be a little more specific than just saying "the Court is of the opinion that Movants ..... are entitled to prevail on their claim ... ... ", without giving a hint of the "facts" the judge found, or the "law" he used) (9-3-2002)

NOTICE of Official Oppression and Unlawful Judgments (10-9-2002)
            DA letter 9-18-2002   (9-18-2002)
            Letter to Clerk re Notice of Official Oppression etc  (10-9-2002)

Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee (about "white collar" crime in the courts)


My APPEAL on the two UNLAWFUL judgments   See how they did it. Details of the scheme. 
                 Near end of document shows picture of the huge FILE in the court. Also above.
                 Would not have happened if they had gone by the law and the rules of court.
                 Try the "hyperlink" footnotes in the document (the blue things one clicks on)
Civil RICO suit against Canton lawyer   Perpetrating a scheme to "deprive of honest service" (i.e. lawyer
                lying in court) violates the anti-racketeering statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961 et seq. "RICO"). 
                EASY READING. MAKES "RICO" UNDERSTANDABLE. ("RICO" is really simple)

Civil RICO Suit against the Dallas lawyer   Perpetrating a scheme to "deprive of honest service"  

See home page for more details