By Udo Birnbaum
December 2003
                                               Happy Holidays
                                                     or "New Year’s Resolutions"

Now is the time to do those things that we normally don’t get around to — like taking time for THINKING or doing NOTHING!

One of my new year’s resolutions is to make fewer new years resolutions. Besides, I have enough left over from last year for recycling.

Remember just a few years back, and all the scare about Y2K? Ever think about what would happen if we were through with the old year, and the new one were not ready to start?

Anyhow, here are some important things to remember:

                                              Happy Holidays!

PS: No, I’m not running for anything. But then I was not either, last time, at this time in the election cycle.

Past Vignettes, Public Concerns, at
Ad pd Udo Birnbaum, 540 VZ CR 2916, Eustace, TX 75124