Out of Notice of Past Due Findings Of Fact and Conclusions Of Law
         "Judge, please put down on paper, like you are supposed to, exactly how you came up with this"


"Your Honor, please let the record know what findings of fact, and conclusions of law you made to come up with the two judgments you awarded against me in this case:


1.     How upon a pleading of an unpaid open account, and absent a finding to you by an Auditor under RCP Rule 172 regarding such claimed unpaid open account, and absent a finding by a jury as to the state of the account, what findings of fact, and what conclusions of law did you make to award a judgment totaling $59,280.66 against me upon such pleading, an issue I had asked to be resolved by jury?


2.     How upon my cross and counter claim under 18 U.S.C. § 1961, et seq. ("civil RICO"), against three (3) persons, and having dismissed such three (3) persons on November 13, 2001, what findings of fact and what conclusions of law did you now make, on August 21, 2002, so as to entitle these dismissed parties to a $62,885.00 second judgment against me, in the same case, on an issue I had asked to be resolved by jury?


     The LAWLESSNESS of sanctioning me for having voiced my civil RICO complaint is perhaps best summed up in my Motion To Reconsider The $62,885 'Frivolous Lawsuit Sanction' Against Me:

"If, after reconsideration, this Court still feels that what I did was so sanctionable, please advise me as to other views I am also not allowed to voice, whether to this Court, on Appeal, or elsewhere, lest I unknowingly risk being subjected to further sanctions".